
Institute for Sustainable Technologies



Institute for Sustainable Technologies

ŁUKASIEWICZ is a research and development network that is part of the Radom Institute for Sustainable Technologies (until March 2019, known as the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute). It was established in 1986 and has since gained national and international recognition. It employs a highly qualified interdisciplinary staff (179 in total), more than 60% of whom are researchers. The network ŁUKASIEWICZ, with 34 research institutes, is the 3rd largest scientific network in Europe.

The Institute for Sustainable Technologies includes the Research and Development Centre for Vocational Education and Training, which employs 19 staff specialised in professionalisation, human capital development for an innovative economy, standardisation of vocational qualifications and skills, continuing vocational training and quality improvement of formal and non-formal education programmes implemented for labour market needs.

The Centre also conducts research into new occupations, skills and competencies required by advanced industrial technologies and sectors such as construction. Modular vocational education and training programmes, as well as multimedia educational packages and electronic resources for vocational education have also been developed. Thus, the ITE Lukasiewicz Centre has become a privileged partner of professional federations and other decision-makers in the construction sector in Poland for the implementation of “educational standards” (benchmarks) corresponding to sectoral qualifications at all levels (skilled worker-engineer). The standards, once approved by the profession, are submitted to the national professional certification authorities for approval and registration in the Register of Certifications.

The Centre contributes to the development of the Polish system of professional qualifications and competences by cooperating with the Ministry of National Education, the Institute of Educational Research and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. It participates in cross-sectoral and sectoral consultations (including construction) for new legal regulations concerning the system of qualifications.

Through its participation in the sectoral competence councils, the centre diagnoses the competences sought by employers; it defines competency profiles, prepares draft changes to curricula, adapting them to the competences required on the contemporary labour market. As part of this work, the centre participated in numerous projects between 2014 and 2019 to develop national occupational skill standards, including those for the construction industry.

For the RenovUp project, the ITE Lukasiewicz Centre will work more specifically on the identification of the skills and certifications of teachers and trainers in the construction sector, including professional development in the analysis of work situations in companies and on construction sites. He will pilot phase O3 of the project which aims at the professionalisation of trainers.