Expected results

The project meets the expectations of small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of the evolution of the skills of their site managers and team leaders, specific to the renovation of buildings, in relation to the energy transition, occupational health and safety standards, new activities and new modes of organisation. It will thus complement work carried out in other recent transnational (Erasmus+) and national projects where the skills of site managers and team leaders in the construction sector in Europe have been addressed.

The following results have been achieved:

  • Systematisation of the skills assessment process on entry into the individualised training system;
  • Pragmatic and sustainable promotion of work-based learning in the training strategies and practices of the national networks of training organisations that participated in the project, even beyond the training courses designed and implemented for site foremen and team leaders for building renovation, in line with the expectations of companies on the one hand and the profile of potential beneficiaries on the other;
  • A new impetus to design and implement individualised and modular training courses, based on components such as training in work situations, training in training centres or distance learning, which can be integrated into a lifelong professionalization approach;
  • Sustainable enrichment of the training offer of the organisations involved in the project, enabling more companies to be attracted to training centres both as beneficiaries of this offer and as partners in the training process;
  • Systematisation of the approach to training trainers in the observation and analysis of work situations, enabling them to take them into account in training situations (beyond the training courses for site foremen and team leaders for building renovation);
  • Sustainable installation of formal recognition procedures for acquired skills;
  • Finally, to make up for the lack of skills sought by companies for their site foremen and team leaders working on building renovation sites on a long-term basis.

Thus, the project have not ultimately been limited to the design and implementation of a training system for site managers and team leaders for building renovation, but also gave a new impetus to the individualisation of career paths, the integration of work situations and the implementation of modular and multimodal training courses.