Final Events, Saint-Herblain, France

Three final project events took place from 14 to 15 June 2023, at the Training Centre of Saint-Herblain, France. It was dedicated to the analysis of the results and to the sustainability of the achieved training paths.

BTP CFA Saint-Herblain (near Nantes, France), is one of the training centres involved in the testing phase of the methods and tools designed in the framework of the project. The following events were organised: (1) Final transnational meeting, on 14 June 2023, including a visit of the training centre; (2) A workshop dedicated to the exchange of good practices observerd during the project in the partnership countries, on 15 June 2023 (AM); (3) The French dissemination event, with the participation of professionals from the Construction sector, on 15 June 2023 (PM).

Online Progress Meeting – March 2023

An online progress meeting was held on March 14th, 2023, few months ahead of the end of the project.

Project pilot CCCA-BTP invited RenovUp partners to an online progress meeting in March 2023 in order to settle the last steps of the project.

5th Transnational Meeting – November 2022

The 5th Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp was held in Rome on November 22nd and 23rd, 2022.

4th Transnational Meeting – May 2022

The 4th Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp took place in Paris on May 11 and 12, 2022

This meeting was dedicated to the review of the results produced so far, the validation of proposals for the training of trainers, open badges, as well as the preparation of experimental training pathways in the partner countries

Radom Technical Meeting – April 2022

A restricted technical meeting of the RenovUp project was held in Radom (Poland) between April 5th and 7th, 2022.

Polish and Greek partners as well as the project pilote met to settle the most pragmatic approach for the recognition of learning outcomes with Open Badges (leader: CCCA-BTP) and training of trainers/training designers (leader: Lukasiewicz ITeE).

As decided at the online technical meeting on 28 January 2022, project staffs from CCCA-BTP and Łukasiewicz-ITeE met from April 5th to April 7 at the Łukasiewicz-ITeE premises in Radom (PL). Pedmede staff participated online.

The purpose was to finalise the method for the following steps:

  • Recognition of learning outcomes of site managers and team leaders for building renovation sites (IO2), incl. potential use of Open Badges.
  • Scope, purpose, and design of transnational training scheme for teachers/trainers (IO3) enabling them to conceive and carry out trainings with site managers and team leaders concerned.

The participants have also decided to screen the outcomes produced during the restricted technical meeting held in March 2022 in Oviedo.

Oviedo Technical Meeting – March 2022

A restricted technical meeting of the RenovUp project was held in Oviedo (Spain) between March 2nd and 4th, 2022.

Italian and Spanish partners as well as the project pilote met to settle the most pragmatic approach for the training pathways to be finalised.

The purpose of this restricted technical meeting was to finalise the following steps:

  • Positioning the learner in the training pathway;
  • Finalising the design of training courses and providing appropriate tools for observing and analysing work situations to be integrated into the training concepts;
  • Chosing methods enabling trainers to monitor learners’ progress.

In the end, partners agreed on three grids to be produced or adjusted:

  • Grid 1 – observation of work situations
  • Grid 2 – positionning the learner in the learning pathway
  • Grid 3 – following-up learners in their learning pathways

These grids are currently to be finalised.

Technical Meeting – January 2022

The 2nd Technical Meeting of the RenovUp project was held online on January 28th, 2022.

The partners agreeded on the general concept of the proposed scheme for Activities 3 & 4.

Connection & Short information on the Interim Report (accepted).

IO1 – Activities 3 & 4: Feedback and comments on the Transnational Synthesis Activities Site Managers Team Leaders / Transnational Synthesis Skills and Knowledge Site Managers Team Leaders (documents attached 01A & 01 B).

IO1 – Activities 3 & 4/IO2/IO3: Professionalization pathway scheme: Presentation and comments. Operational ways of doing (document attached 02).

IO1 – Activities 3 & 4/IO2/IO3: Training Components & Objectives: Presentation and comments. Operational ways of doing (document attached 03).

Next steps.

3rd Transnational Meeting – October 2021

The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp project was held online on October 26th and 27th, 2021.

The goal of this 3rd Transnational Meeting was to discuss about the results of the activities 1 and 2 of IO1, and to determine the further steps to take for activities 3 and 4, as well as for IO3 and IO4. It was organised as follow:

October 25th, 2021:

  • IO1 – Activities 1 and 2 : results and lessons learned, usefulness of the results;
  • IO1 – Activities 3 and 4 : work in progress, first results and potential difficulties, focus on positioning before professionalisation paths;
  • IO2 : recognition of learning outcomes (Open Badges).

October 26th, 2021:

  • IO4 : exchange of ideas on how to prepare experimental actions with the public concerned;
  • IO3 (training of trainers): first ideas and discussion;
  • IO3 and IO4 (mobility for learners and staff): national proposal to prepare for February 2022;
  • Communication strategy;
  • Evaluation of the production process.

3rd Transnational Meeting – October 2021

The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp project was held online on October 26th and 27th, 2021.

The goal of this 3rd Transnational Meeting was to discuss about the results of the activities 1 and 2 of IO1, and to determine the further steps to take for activities 3 and 4, as well as for IO3 and IO4. It was organised as follow:

October 25th, 2021:

  • IO1 – Activities 1 and 2 : results and lessons learned, usefulness of the results;
  • IO1 – Activities 3 and 4 : work in progress, first results and potential difficulties, focus on positioning before professionalisation paths;
  • IO2 : recognition of learning outcomes (Open Badges).

October 26th, 2021:

  • IO4 : exchange of ideas on how to prepare experimental actions with the public concerned;
  • IO3 (training of trainers): first ideas and discussion;
  • IO3 and IO4 (mobility for learners and staff): national proposal to prepare for February 2022;
  • Communication strategy;
  • Evaluation of the production process.

3rd Transnational Meeting – October 2021

The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp project was held online on October 26th and 27th, 2021.

The goal of this 3rd Transnational Meeting was to discuss about the results of the activities 1 and 2 of IO1, and to determine the further steps to take for activities 3 and 4, as well as for IO3 and IO4. It was organised as follow:

October 25th, 2021:

  • IO1 – Activities 1 and 2 : results and lessons learned, usefulness of the results;
  • IO1 – Activities 3 and 4 : work in progress, first results and potential difficulties, focus on positioning before professionalisation paths;
  • IO2 : recognition of learning outcomes (Open Badges).

October 26th, 2021:

  • IO4 : exchange of ideas on how to prepare experimental actions with the public concerned;
  • IO3 (training of trainers): first ideas and discussion;
  • IO3 and IO4 (mobility for learners and staff): national proposal to prepare for February 2022;
  • Communication strategy;
  • Evaluation of the production process.