Final Events, Saint-Herblain, France

Three final project events took place from 14 to 15 June 2023, at the Training Centre of Saint-Herblain, France. It was dedicated to the analysis of the results and to the sustainability of the achieved training paths.

BTP CFA Saint-Herblain (near Nantes, France), is one of the training centres involved in the testing phase of the methods and tools designed in the framework of the project. The following events were organised: (1) Final transnational meeting, on 14 June 2023, including a visit of the training centre; (2) A workshop dedicated to the exchange of good practices observerd during the project in the partnership countries, on 15 June 2023 (AM); (3) The French dissemination event, with the participation of professionals from the Construction sector, on 15 June 2023 (PM).

2nd Multiplier Event in Poland

On November 11th, 2022 in Warsaw, a 2nd multiplier event disseminating the results of the RenovUp project took place in Poland.

The overall aim of the seminar was to present to the results of IO3 and IO4 to a wide spectrum of participants (representatives of VET and entrepreneurs from the construction sector, social partners involved in the process of developing qualifications in energy efficiency and buildings renovation, representatives of public and local administrations, trainers / teachers / actors of the craft sector).

This 2nd Polish Multiplier Event, attended by 39 persons, aimed at presenting and discussing the following aspects of the RenovUp project:

  • IO4: model of professionalisation of middle management relying on work-based learning;
  • IO3 : training model for teachers/trainers conducting or preparing to conduct for current or future construction foremen specialised in buildings renovation.

This event was particularly valuable for the Polish team implementing the RenovUp project as it immediately preceded the experimental implementation phase of the above-mentioned models in the Polish context.

After an overall presentation of the RenovUp project, co-financed by Erasmus+, the link between professional situations happening on worksites and pedagogical engineering for middle managerial staff (site managers and team leaders) was discussed. Participants showed a particular interest for 2 tools designed during the project and aiming at observing the work of construction site managers and team leaders by trainers/teachers, allowing them to identify a work situation suitable to build a pedagogical sequence.

The participants drew the following conclusion according to IO3:

  • The model proposed in the RenovUp project requires some adjustements to match the realities of the Polish context, espacially regarding the VET system and the state of the labour market;
  • There is mismatch between the needs to the labour market in terms of building renovation skills as well as middle management skills and the skills provided by the Polish construction VET system, partly due to the fact that learners undergo practical vocational training at school workshops only, and not on actual worksites;
  • Construction employer and business owners advocate for an out-of-school system of professional training (not only job shadowing);
  • Polish Industry Skills Centres implement the concept of professional excellence and thus develop in-company training as part of the National Reconstruction Plan;
  • These Industry Skills Centres represent an opportunity for long-term implementation of RenovUp project results.

Dissemination Event in Spain – Asturias

DATE: 28th October, 2022 PLACE: FLC Ribera de Arriba, Asturias (Spain)

GOAL: Communication with external organisations capable of facilitating the recruitment of beneficiaries for the planned professionalisation actions devoloped in the frame of the RENOVUP project, and its Communication Plan (block 5), raising awareness of the construction sector and its employment and training possibilities, with the aim of increasing the number of people who want to develop their professional career in this sector of activity, encouraging, among others, the participation of women. Discussion of the conceptual results of the project and their usefulness in the Spanish context.

Target groups:
• Company managers of the Principality of Asturias and all persons likely to supervise in-company training,
• Professional federations of the construction sector and other sectors interested in the topic of increasing the skills of human resources in general and middle managers on work sites in particular,
• Directors, educational managers and teachers of educational and vocational training centres (in the construction and other sectors) of the Principality of Asturias,

A total of 20 people attended the event, of which three were construction employers, two trade union representatives, ten carreer and job guidance professionals and five educational managers.

Dissemination Event in Italy – Bologna

DATE: 20th October, 2022 PLACE: International Building Exhibition, Bologna (Italy)

The event was organized on the occasion of the international construction, design, building and systems fair called SAIE (International Building Exhibition) which takes place in Bologna. Approximately 60 people participated in the seminar, including representatives of the construction schools participating in the Formedil system, representatives of the Labor Inspectorate and INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work), entrepreneurs in the construction sector, social workers, representatives of public and local administration.

The objective of the seminar was to raise awareness of the project in a context such as that of the SAIE
which is one of the most important trade fairs in the construction sector. In the first part, the project, its objectives and its purpose were presented. An attempt was made to understand the new role of teachers based on observations of the work phases and the company context in such a way as to be able to design ad hoc training for both the foreman and the construction site manager.
It was then explained that all the project tools have already been shared and tested in all partner
countries. It was particularly important to underline the role that the employer, teacher and site
manager/team leader must have in this new training model. The employer must understand that
training has a central role in the growth of his organization, the teacher must be able to involve workers
during training and must be skilled in observation: he must not make the site manager feel under
scrutiny/ team leader. Workers in training must accept being observed and understand that training is
a springboard to improve their skills and have a more important role in the company.

Multiplier Event in Greece

On June 16th, 2022 was held the Greek Multiplier Event disseminating the results of the RenovUp project in Athens.

The overall aim of the seminar was to present to the research results of IO1 and IO2 to a wide spectrum of participants (representing the construction industry and VET stakeholders), as well as to share the next steps to be undertaken for IO3 and IO4.

The Greek RenovUp Multiplier Event took place in the context of PEDMEDE’s General Assembly in order to exploit the current development of the project as well as to engage as much members as possible in the project.

IO1 and IO2 results were birefly presented at a transnational scale but it was chosen to focus more on the Greek national context and how these results are applied to it. Training paths, evaluation grids and Open Badges which designed during the project were also described to the participants.

In the end, a Q&A session was organised in order to allow participants to discuss the different topics tackled during the event, and the exchanges focused mainly on training paths as well as the current state of VET in Greece, and how the tools may be adapted to the practice of Greek trainers and companies.

The necessity to build trust between external evaluators and construction workers on site has been highlighted, but participants also admitted it will be difficult to do so. Indeed, there seems to be a lack of connection between VET stakeholders and the construction industry in Greece, putting several obstacles in the implementation of the evaluation grids of work situation on site.

Multiplier event in Poland

On June 9th, 2022 in Warsaw, a multiplier event disseminating the results of the RenovUp project took place in Poland.

The overarching aim of the seminar was to present to a wider audience the achievements of the almost two-year-long cooperation of the ERASMUS+ project partnership.

During this Polish multiplier event, the following achievements of the RenovUp project were presented and discussed:

  • The specificity of projects involving the renovation of buildings and its impact on the competences expected from site managers and foremen. Presentation of research results in Poland in comparison with other Partnership countries (IO1-A1, IO1-A2);
  • Model of professionalisation of site managers and foremen based on work situations on construction sites (IO1-A3, IO2-A1); and
  • Preliminary assumptions for the implementation (testing) of a model for professionalisation of site managers and foremen including an element of competence development of teachers/trainers (IO3, IO4).

The participants were representatives of the construction sector – both the economic sector (employers involved in repair and construction works) and vocational education sector (representatives of 4 vocational schools educating in construction professions). Moreover, the discussion was joined by representatives of industry associations (Konfederacja Budownictwa i Nieruchomości; Stowarzyszenie Specjalistów Robót Wykońowych; Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa), research institutions (IBE), government administration (Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji) and other institutions involved in the development of competencies of the renovation and construction sector employees. Taking advantage of the presence of representatives of partner institutions from Hungary (National Federation of Hungarian Building Contractors ÉVOSZ) and Cyprus (Education and Information Technology Centre EDITC), we also invited them to the debate. In total, the seminar was attended by over 30 people. Representatives of the Polish National Agency of the Erasmus + Programme (FRSE) were also present.


The seminar participants were impressed by the ambitious goals of the RenovUp project. They agreed that work-based learning, in the broad sense of the term, is in Poland (and elsewhere) still just a buzzword, often not confirmed in the everyday reality of vocational education and training. Changing this state of affairs requires the continuation of comprehensive and complementary actions already initiated in our country, including: 1) overcoming the resistance of Polish teachers and trainers to improve their competences (especially directly on construction sites); 2) subsidising Polish vocational schools so that they can afford to purchase and use modern materials and tools in their school workshops; and 3) creating industry-based competence improvement centres, which provide a substantive, tool, methodological, material base for workers active in the labour market. The RenovUp project can be another step in the right direction!

In conclusion:

  • The research carried out under IO1 was appreciated; and
  • The proposed model for professionalisation of construction workers (especially the element of competence development of teachers/trainers through observation of work on construction sites) was considered very valuable and desirable, but difficult to implement in current Polish conditions.


RenovUp presentation video

In the context of Erasmus Days 2021 event, CCCA-BTP designed a short video to present the RenovUp project to French construction stakeholders, inviting them to participate to it.

Only in French for now, this presentation video of the RenovUp project will soon be translated in English, as for the other projects’ presentation videos designed specifically for the Erasmus Days 2021. It includes: